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Is Using Xanax and Weed Dangerous?

Xanax and Weed

Xanax and weed may be among the most popular drugs in the United States. Xanax is the most prescribed drug in the country. Weed, meanwhile, is the third-most-popular drug in the US overall, behind alcohol and nicotine. It therefore shouldn’t come as a surprise that the two drugs should be mixed together. It’s unknown how […]

What Is an 8-Ball?

8 Ball Drug

An 8 ball is a slang term for an eighth of an ounce (around 3.5 grams) of cocaine, a powerful stimulant derived from the cocoa plant. It looks like a small, tightly wrapped package or small baggie of powder cocaine.  While it doesn’t sound like a lot, 3.5 grams of cocaine is enough to cause […]

Problem Drinker vs Alcoholic: What’s the Difference?

Problem Drinker vs Alcoholic

We’ve all known someone who’s been a “problem drinker.” This is that person who always has a drink in their hands and doesn’t seem to know when to call it quits. Sometimes you may wonder: is that person an alcoholic? Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. What Is Problem Drinking? Problem drinking […]

How to Stop Anxiety After Drinking Alcohol

How to Stop Anxiety After Drinking Alcohol

Why Do I Get Anxiety After Drinking Alcohol? An alcohol hangover is not a pleasant experience. When sobering up from a night of drinking, many people report feeling more anxious. This seems counter-intuitive since people use alcohol to feel good. Why alcohol increases anxiety is the question. The reason for anxiety after drinking lies in […]