Which Newport Beach Drug Rehab Center Can Help Me?

Newport Beach Drug Rehab Center

What Is a Drug Rehab Center? Due to difficult withdrawal symptoms, people often need help with detoxing and staying sober. That’s where drug rehab centers come in. A Newport Beach drug rehab center is a place that treats substance abuse disorders. It employs professionals that can help you manage withdrawal symptoms and address the roots […]

Do AA Meetings in Huntington Beach Actually Work?

AA Meetings in Huntington Beach

In the city of Huntington Beach, California, people struggling with alcoholism often seek help from local support networks. AA meetings in Huntington Beach are among the most commonly used recovery resources.  If you are seeking help for alcohol abuse or additional support after rehab in Huntington Beach, learning about the sober support services can help […]

How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Klonopin Stay in Your System

Klonopin, also known by its generic name clonazepam, is a prescription medication that belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. It’s frequently prescribed for the treatment of seizure disorders and panic attacks. Sometimes, doctors also prescribe Klonopin for off-label uses such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and alcohol withdrawal. Those wondering how long does […]

What Does Alcoholic Nose Mean?

Alcoholic Nose

What Does Alcoholic Nose Mean? “Alcoholic nose” is a colloquial term for the red, swollen nose popularly associated with alcohol abuse. There is some debate as to how much this phenomenon actually has to do with alcoholism. The scientific term for the condition is “rhinophyma.” Rhinophyma, a skin condition characterized by a large, red, bumpy, […]

Is It Dangerous to Take Sudafed and Alcohol?

Sudafed and Alcohol

If you’ve seen the show Breaking Bad, you’ll remember Sudafed figured prominently in some of the early episodes. That’s because it can be chemically changed to synthesize methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth. For that reason, it was taken off pharmacy shelves in 2006.  You may also know Sudafed can be used to treat symptoms […]

What Is Chronic Alcohol Abuse?

Chronic Alcohol Abuse

Chronic alcohol abuse, also known as heavy drinking, is a pattern of repeated alcohol consumption. It goes beyond occasional or moderate drinking and can lead to numerous negative health and social consequences.  To understand how such a problem develops, you have to understand the definition of binge drinking. According to the National Institute on Alcohol […]